Jupyter issues with creating a new Notebook

Issue #146 closed
Steven Bloodworth created an issue

We have installed Jupyter on IBM i and we can get to the URL link without any issues. The problem we’re running into is only a couple profiles (with very high authority) seem to be able to start up Jupyter and into New - Python to create a new python notebook. I’m leaning towards a permissions issue; however, I’m not sure where the permissions reside. I entered an IBM ticket and they gave me this link for help. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Comments (3)

  1. Kevin Adler

    Can you give more detail about the problem and error messages you’re running in to? We’ve done a little work on Jupyter, but not comprehensive.

    You might also want to ask in the IBM i OSS Ryver forum. You can join here: http://ibm.biz/ibmioss-chat-join and the Python forum is where you would ask: https://ibmioss.ryver.com/index.html#forums/1000128. There’s also the Midrange OSS mailing list: https://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/opensource Andrea Ribuoli from the community has done a lot more work in this area and is likely to have more answers than we can give.

  2. Steven Bloodworth reporter

    Thanks for all the additional links/information! I think we’ve figured it out, so will close out this case. Thanks again, Kevin!

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