how to install bootstrap if error says it is already installed ?

Issue #147 resolved
YH CHONG created an issue


I run the the command with an exit code =1 . Similar error if I were to run it from ACS :

===> QSH CMD('touch -C 819 /tmp/bootstrap.log; /QOpenSys/usr/bin/ksh /tmp/boots --new> /tmp/bootstrap.log 2>&1')

Log file :

Beginning of data**
tmp/ 0403-065 An incomplete or invalid multibyte character encountered.
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his system has already been bootstrapped!

ootstrapping is a one-time process and should never need to be done again.
oing so would cause the installation status of everything installed via yum
o become unknown and any software in the bootstrap will overwrite any newer
ersions that may have been installed.

f you want to continue anyway, you can re-run with the flag

What is the ‘flag’ mentioned at the bottom of the log ?

At the moment, there is no such directory found in IFS : /QOpenSys/pkgs


Comments (3)

  1. Kevin Adler

    You can run /QOpenSys/usr/bin/ksh /tmp/ --yes-this-is-unsupported-but-i-know-what-i-am-doing from a command terminal (eg SSH, QP2TERM, QSH)

    tmp/ 0403-065 An incomplete or invalid multibyte character encountered.

    I suspect based on the message, I suspect that your has not downloaded properly, however. I would recommend redownloading this from before re-running the bootstrap. Make sure to transfer in binary.

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