RPM install not working

Issue #158 resolved
Adam Driver created an issue


Trying to install curl7.70.0-3 on a 7.4 IBM i system. Both direct access to IBM and SSH tunneling are blocked on our network, so we have to use rpm. This site is blocked too, so using a personal email.

Boot strap files are installed, curl7.70.0-3.src.rpm is in my home directory. Running the command:

rpm -i curl7.70.0-3.src.rpm

First error was the profile rpmbuild didn’t exist, created that, now it ends without error but doesn’t install anything.


Comments (8)

  1. Kevin Adler

    You are attempting to install a source rpm. You probably want the binary, which would be at https://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/ibmi/products/pase/rpms/repo/ppc64/curl-7.70.0-3.ibmi7.2.ppc64.rpm

    It’s also not recommended to use rpm directly, but install via yum, eg. yum install curl-7.70.0-3.ibmi7.2.ppc64.rpm. This will keep the metadata in sync between yum and rpm, otherwise if you ever want to use yum later it’ll be messed up.

    You mention having SSH tunneling blocked, but have you tried using a local repo? https://ibmi-oss-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/yum/README.html#using-yum-on-an-ibm-i-system-without-internet-access

  2. Adam Driver reporter

    Thanks Kevin. Is the binary you mention specifically for 7.2? We are on 7.4. I couldn’t find anything that specified 7.4.

    Setting up a local repo doesn’t really get us anything, we can easily download the binaries and get them into the IFS. We don’t use this often, and the amount of work to get a VM set up to use as a repository is not really worth it. There is also no place where we have access out to IBM from ACS to create a clone repsitory.


  3. Kevin Adler

    All the rpms are supported on 7.2 and up, including 7.4.

    I guess in that restrictive environment that makes sense. Do whatever makes the most sense for you.

  4. Adam Driver reporter

    Thanks Kevin!

    Making progress. So, it says there’s a dependency on libcurl14.7.70.3.ibmi7.2.ppc64.rpm. Trying to install that gets a file conflict with libcurl14. I tried to remove that using ACS, I get “Error: Trying to remove “yum”, which is protected”.

    Is there a command to remove the earlier version of libcurl?

    I guess I could also try curl-, but I would rather install the latest if I can.


  5. Kevin Adler

    You can use rpm -U to upgrade rpms (and rpm -e to “erase” them). You can also add progress bar output similar to yum with -h (may need -v too).

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