Error when doing Offline Install Instructions (without ACS)

Issue #34 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'm getting error message "Command ended normally with exit status 1." after issuing command "QSH CMD('touch -C 819 /tmp/bootstrap.log; /QOpenSys/usr/bin/ksh /tmp/ > /tmp/bootstrap.log 2>&1')"

Log file "/tmp/bootstrap.log" /tmp/ /tmp/gtar: cannot execute Bootstrap failed

Comments (5)

  1. Niklas Odsäter

    It worked fine after I did the following steps recommended by Jerry McKee, IBM.

    1) Log into into 5250 as QSECOFR. 2) Go into Qshell 3) Run the following commands: • cd /tmp • rm bootstrap.log • rm • rm bootstrap.tar • rm gtar

    4) Follow the instruction for offline installation without ACS again. If you already have the two files download on your PC delete them. I want a fresh start.

    When you upload the files to /tmp use FTP in binary mode, sign on as QSECOFR in FTP.

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