Dependent module libutil.a(shr.o) could not be loaded.

Issue #39 resolved
Robert Wagner created an issue

Hello, seem to be getting this error and was wondering what can I do to resolve it? Thank you in advance.

Comments (7)

  1. Robert Wagner reporter

    I am a rookie, so I am not sure on the chroot. I will look at your link provided. Thank you Kevin.

  2. Kevin Adler

    I am a rookie, so I am not sure on the chroot.

    You're probably not using chroot then. Perhaps you're missing a PTF - libutil is in SI64156. Of course, it's still better to migrate to yum in the long run as all of 5733-OPS will go EOL at end of this year and Python 3 from 5733-OPS is already out of support.

  3. Robert Wagner reporter

    Kevin, seems using Putty is not the right emulator for commands in the document suggested, what emulator you recommend?

  4. Jesse G

    Given the other issue from the same submitter, I assume this has been resolved with the migration from OPS to RPMs

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