Install packages offline

Issue #44 resolved
Fernando Plaza created an issue

Hello All

First of all, I'm pre-dummy :-(

My intention was install GIT in one system without access to IBM. I can't found any doc to install it off line ... :-(

I SAVed and RSTed "/QOpenSys/pkgs" from one system to other without conection to IBM.

$ /QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/git --version git version 2.10.4 $

Is there any other way to install all the packages offline ??

Could be this one way to install OPS on IBM i since 5733OPS was deprecated?


Comments (6)

  1. Fernando Plaza reporter

    Both ...

    I can't found any about install GIT ... but I think the problem is my knowledge (her absence)

    I will continue to read ...


  2. Kevin Adler

    All packages are installed the same way, using yum. Documentation on how to install any package is shown in this section.

    First yum itself must be installed (via "bootstrap" method). There are offline install instructions here.

    In your case, your IBM i system has no internet access, so you will need to take further steps as shown in this section.

    I would advise against any SAV/RST for rpms.

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