Git commands on directory /QNTC

Issue #55 resolved
Patrick Sav created an issue


I am not able to use Git commands on windows share that are available under the /QNTC directory. I was able to use Git on local IFS directories.

I am getting a MMAP fatal error when working with /QNTC… no matter which git command I use.

Any ideas ?!?

Thanks !

Comments (4)

  1. Kevin Adler

    Not all filesystems on IBM i support the mmap() API, which is required for git to work. QNTC, QFileSrv.400, QDLS, and NFS mounted filesystems will not work with git, unfortunately.

  2. Patrick Sav reporter

    Thank you for your time Kevin. It took me a while to find an alternative… but I was able to work under the QNTC directory with the JGit tool. The Git available under yum is a pretty old version anyway and not functional for what I was trying to do.

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