error using "locate --statistics"

Issue #6 resolved
Bryan Dietz created an issue

after updatedb runs to completion I tried to use locate --statitics

returned: -bash-4.4$ locate --statistics Database /QOpenSys/var/locatedb is in the GNU LOCATE02 format. Assertion failed: __EX, file locate.c, line 868 Database was last modified at 2018:07:16 15:40:20.000000000IOT/Abort trap (core dumped)

-bash-4.4$ yum provides locate ibm ibm/primary ibm findutils-4.6.0-0.ppc64 : GNU find and xargs

Comments (9)

  1. Mark Irish

    @bdietz400 We have isolated the problem and are working on a permanent solution. For now, if you set the environment variable XPG_SUS_ENV=ON, it will run as expected. To set it just for running the locate utility, something like:

    XPG_SUS_ENV=ON locate --statistics
  2. Bryan Dietz reporter

    excellent, I look forward to the perm fix.


    Mark Irish wrote on 11/15/2018 5:10 PM:

  3. Mark Irish

    @bdietz400 Alright, a new yum package has been posted that should fix the issue. To get it, you should be able to run yum upgrade findutils and then locate --statistics should run without error.

  4. Mark Irish

    Isolated the issue (asserts were enabled in deployed code and AIX was not formatting a timezone as expected), fixed issue, and deployed new RPM.

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