Format issue after change to using bash installed by yum,

Issue #78 resolved
Fredrik Nyström created an issue

We had Open Source installed 5733-OPS before, and this converting issue started after the change.

from IBMi im just doing a

ssh user@host errpt > p8viosa1.txt

to receive the errlorlog as a textfile.


Comments (2)

  1. Fredrik Nyström reporter

    I suspect that something has changed in the default codepage that the file "p8viosa1.txt" is created with. It appears it is now being created with an EBCDIC codepage rather than the normal 819 ASCII codepage usually associated with PASE

  2. Fredrik Nyström reporter

    QSH CMD('/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/bash /home/useprf/')

    Added the following solved the problem: "QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/bash"

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