Starting/Ending PM2 web server

Issue #89 resolved
Michael Haston created an issue

Looking for advice on how to Start/End a PM2 web server from a job scheduler?

Here’s how I start the server:


MONMSG     MSGID(CPFA980)                                    

SBMJOB     CMD(QSH +                                         
             CMD('/QOpenSys/etc/')) +     
             LOG(4 0 *NOLIST) LOGCLPGM(*NO)                  


This is the script it calls:

cd /QOpenSys/etc;
export PATH;
pm2 stop all;
pm2 delete all;
pm2 start /QOpenSys/pkgs/lib/nodejs10/lib/node_modules/myscriipt.js > /QOpenSys/etc/myscriptlog.txt;

This was producing a ton of QP0ZSPWP logs, but I think I’ve gotten around that. Something odd is calling the CLP produces these two jobs. They work, my web server is started. I guess it’s not an issue until I try to end the server

Subsystem/Job  User        Type  CPU %  Function        Status 
XXXXX          QSYS        SBS      .0                   DEQW  
  QP0ZSPWP     XXXXXXXX    BCI      .0  PGM-node         SELW  
  QP0ZSPWP     XXXXXXXX    BCI      .0  PGM-node         SELW  

This script only ends one of the jobs!

cd /QOpenSys/etc;
export PATH;
pm2 stop all;
pm2 delete all;

Thanks in advance.


Comments (5)

  1. Michael Haston reporter

    No luck over at the Ryvver forum after 22 days. Just wondering if anyone ends their PM2 server with a script like above. Thanks.

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