Double to Half Error when Making

Issue #12 resolved
Jeremy created an issue

I am attempting to build MAGMA and getting the following error (see below). Is CUDA 9.2 required to build MAGMA now that half precision solvers have been added?


icpc -O3 -fPIC -qopenmp -DNDEBUG -DADD_ -Wall -Wshadow -DMAGMA_WITH_MKL -std=c++11 -DHAVE_CUBLAS -DMIN_CUDA_ARCH=300 -I/curc/sw/cuda/9.1.85/include -I/curc/sw/intel/17.4/mkl/include -I./include -I./control -c -o src/xhsgetrf_gpu.o src/xhsgetrf_gpu.cpp
src/xhsgetrf_gpu.cpp(109): error: no suitable constructor exists to convert from "double" to "__half"
      const magmaHalf h_one     = (magmaHalf) 1.0;

src/xhsgetrf_gpu.cpp(110): error: no suitable constructor exists to convert from "double" to "__half"
      const magmaHalf h_neg_one = (magmaHalf)-1.0;

compilation aborted for src/xhsgetrf_gpu.cpp (code 2)

Comments (5)

  1. Francisco J. Gonzalez

    I have the same problem. Ubuntu 16 64bit CUDA version 8 and 9, 3 TITAN GPU processors.

    Being carefull in order to select the correct version of gcc and g++, the installation process goes on until at the end of 40 minutes it crashes out with this message

    ¿Could anyone help us? Thanks in advance!!

  2. Thinker Maker


    I’m having the same problem.

    My setup is the same in software. Has a solution been pushed out?

  3. Thinker Maker

    Built MAGMA from source using the Bitbucket repo and I also built OpenBLAS from source (

    GCC version 6.5.0

    CUDA 10 (since the hardware is an NVidia RTX 2070 card)

    I had to set CUDADIR to /usr/local/cuda in my /etc/environment to source it in for root access when installing.

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