gemm with k = 0 does not execute C = beta * C

Issue #33 resolved
Wajih Halim Boukaram created an issue

I’ve been having issues using the non-uniform batch gemm where some of the operations have the parameter k = 0 (i.e. the operands A and B have zero columns/rows), but m and n are not zero. I expected the operation to continue for beta != 1 and complete C = beta * C, but it seems the gemm returns if k = 0 regardless of m and n. This leads to different results when switching from a regular CPU gemm to a GPU gemm using magma.

Comments (1)

  1. Ahmad Abdelfattah

    Hi @Wajih Halim Boukaram

    We are making a sweep over the lingering issues in MAGMA. This one should now be fixed as of 725793b.

    The corresponding testers (testing_<t>gemm_vbatched) now allow K to be set to zero when generating random dimensions.

    Sorry it took so long to fix this.

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