Knowing if MAGMA was built with NVCC or HIP

Issue #44 resolved
Jose E. Roman created an issue

Is there any way to determine whether MAGMA was built using NVCC or HIP by looking at the installed files? Something like a define MAGMA_HAVE_HIP in magma_config.h or the like.

Comments (3)

  1. Cade Brown

    Jose, yes this is precisely what you can do, and the code in the master branch should have this already

    There are two defines:

    MAGMA_HAVE_CUDA → Built with CUDA/cuBLAS/nvcc toolchain

    MAGMA_HAVE_HIP → Built with HIP/hipBLAS/hipcc toolchain

    These are included in the include/magma_config.h (which is generated), but including any normal MAGMA header is enough to include these definitions

  2. Jose E. Roman reporter

    Thanks. I tried with the master branch and can confirm the magma_config.h file contains the defines, so I am closing this issue.

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