Can't build with CUDA 12

Issue #65 resolved
Robert Jan Schlimbach created an issue

I’m trying to build magma 2.7.0 with CUDA 12 support, and two things stand out:

Comments (6)

  1. Ahmad Abdelfattah

    At this point, we would recommend CUDA-11.8, which supports the Hopper architecture. We have work in progress to remove texture memory references altogether from the GEMM codes.

    We will soon update the cmake build to support Hopper GPUs.

    Thank you for reporting this.

  2. Boris Usievich

    I see that the texture problem supposed to be solved in 0c73214 commit. However I do not understand how I can try it, because a lot of files are autogenerated by the makefile which is unfortunately does not work on my Windows machine. Is there any possibility to get tar.gz archive of the latest build with all the files just like the release magma-2.7.0.tar.gz?

  3. Ahmad Abdelfattah

    @Stan Tomov Can you help build on Windows directly from the repo?

    Just FYI, we still have issues with the sparse component under CUDA 12. You will need to build the dense component only until we provide a minor release with all the fixes.

  4. Stan Tomov

    This issue has been resolved - texture memory is removed, CMakeLists.txt has been updated, and the Magma Sparse has been updated for the CUSPARSE API changes in CUDA 12.

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