problem building magma with cmake

Issue #70 resolved
Ihor Holod created an issue

When trying to build with cmake on Linux HPC platform I get the following error:

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:470 (include):
include could not find requested file:


Comments (2)

  1. Stan Tomov

    MAGMA has a step of generating files that handle different preicsions (from double complex we generate single complex, double real, and single real). We generate these files in the official MAGMA releases, spack installation, and Makefile installation. We don’t explicitly generate them only in your case - when you get MAGMA from the repo and try cmake.

    To generate the files (and the CMake.src.cuda needed for CMake) you can do these two commands:

    echo -e 'BACKEND = cuda\nFORT = true' >
    make generate

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