SDE: Problem when using shutdown for multiple libs

Issue #133 resolved
Terry Cojean created an issue

Maybe I am misusing the sde in which case I will change how we use it in our code.


In our code (Ginkgo), we consider that every new logger object the user instantiates should be a separate namespace/library, because that would mean the user wants to count different things or in a different way (otherwise, they could just use one logger for everything). For most users, there would be only one logger object and thus only one sde:::ginkgo namespace. We differentiate namespaces by adding an extra unique number to it.


In the case where there are multiple logger objects, thus multiple library namespaces registered under the sde, then we need to calling multiple times papi_sde_init and papi_sde_shutdown (at the construction/destruction of the Ginkgo logger, essentially). In this precise case, I found that the global control structure is not kept consistent: the lib_handle is freed but the global control structure still points to the freed objects, this makes any subsequent call to any sde function fail after calling papi_sde_shutdown once.


For more details, see the following commit which fixes the problem. It’s most likely not entirely correct, but it makes our use case (examples and tests) pass:

Comments (8)

  1. Anthony Danalis

    Terry, your solution seems good to me. Can you post it as a PR to our repo?



  2. Terry Cojean Account Deactivated reporter

    It seems I do not have the right to open a PR. I would be happy to afterwards. Otherwise, feel free to steal this small commit that’s fine with me as well.

  3. Terry Cojean Account Deactivated reporter

    Thanks Anthony, I misunderstood how Bitbucket works, the link was helpful!

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