The papi_native_avail command displays unusable unit masks.

Issue #95 resolved
Masahiko Yamada created an issue

If you use the -c, --check option of the papi_native_avail command,
<NA> is displayed only if all unit masks and event names are disabled,
but <NA> is not displayed if only each unit mask and event is available,
and it is not known exactly which unit masks are disabled.

If -c is specified with the papi_native_avail command,
the unusable unit mask is displayed.

On arm64 processor(For example, thunderX2), "freq=0", "period=0" is displayed in unit mask, but it is not available.

Best regards,
Masahiko Yamada

Comments (4)

  1. Masahiko Yamada reporter

    The papi_native_avail command should be improved to show which unit masks are available.

    I have considered two solutions to this issue.

    Solution 1: Unavailable unit masks display <NA> for each unit mask

    Solution 2: Do not display unit masks that are not available

    I think solution 2 is easy to use for users.

    Please comment on which solution is better.

    Best regards,
    Masahiko Yamada

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