Viewer cannot display DERIVED DICOMs generated after running an algorithm with Container Service

Issue #11 closed
Gianni Mereu created an issue

I have an algorithm that processes the DICOM images in a session and generated some DERIVED DICOMs. When I launch the processing with the container service, the results are correctly saved in a subfolder of the SCAN. After that, I trigger the metadata update through the REST API, both for the catalog and ohif viewer, but when I try to view the session with OHIF viewer the links to the newly generated images appear to be broken. In the “dicomweb” path for the these images there is a “null” in place of the scan number, and also the rest of the path is wrong.

Any idea of where to look to address this issue?

Comments (2)

  1. Simon Doran

    Hi Gianni,

    Without knowing in detail exactly what your container has done, my first guess is that your container did not regenerate the JSON session metadata. To achieve this manually, go to the Swagger interface of the project and take a look at the POST /xapi/viewer/projects/{_projectId}/experiments/{_experimentId} call.

    Ultimately, I’d say that the aim should be to incorporate this call into your container. From Version 3 of the viewer, this call is triggered automatically from the XNAT Event service, so it might already be the case that the your container gives rise to the required event.

    Best wishes,


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