Error: Failed to process JAR found at URL [jar:file:/data/xnat/home/plugins/ohif-viewer-2.0.0-v1.7.6.jar!/] for static resources to be included in context with name []

Issue #13 closed
Prateek G. Rao created an issue

Hello, I am trying to install the OHIF viewer with xnat-vagrant. I used wget to pull in both jar files under the dist/ directory. When I restart my tomcat7 service, I get the following error in my logs. I tried looking it up a solution, but without much luck.

Can anyone help me with this issue?

For reference I am using XNAT 1.7.6 with Vagrant. I need to specifically use OHIF-Viewer 2.0.0 for work, but I doubt that should matter in this situation.

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