Is the roiuploadassistant still compatible with this plugin and XNAT 1.8.2?

Issue #16 resolved
Jacob Peoples created an issue

I’m running XNAT 1.8.2 in a VM using the most recent xnat-vagrant “xnat-release” configuration. I’ve tried installing all four versions of this plugin using the provided builds in the Downloads. Each seems to work fine on its own. But once I install the roiuploadassistant using the build provided there, the server fails to start correctly, and I get a 404 page

I noticed that the roiuploadassistant repo hasn’t been updated in a while. I’m new to the whole XNAT ecosystem, so I am unsure whether rebuilding the plugins on my own is likely to help, or whether there is some backward incompatibility issue making the roiuploadassistant no longer functional.

If anyone can help point me in the right direction to getting this working, or determining if it is possible, that would be very helpful. Ultimately, I want to be able to upload segmentations, and view/edit them in the OHIF viewer.

Comments (3)

  1. James Darcy

    Hi Jacob.

    The ROI Upload Assistant is a desktop application for use on a user’s PC or Mac. To run it you need to have a Java Runtime Environment or Java Development Kit installed and on the path. Once this condition is fulfilled, you can run the ROI Upload Assistant from a command line like this:

    java -jar RoiUploadAssistant-Fat.jar

    The ROI Upload Assistant’s jar file should be removed from your server as that is not where it is intended to run. Once you have removed it, your server will hopefully return to normal operation. The repo hasn’t been updated in a while as the REST API, provided by our plugin, used by the ROI Upload Assistant has not changed.

    For the plugin, we recommend using the latest pre-built binaries we provide in the downloads. For XNAT 1.8.2, you need the v3.0.1 plugin at this time. If there are plugin jars from other versions of the viewer plugin present in your plugins directory then these should be removed. Check the correct plugin version is detected in the Site Administration → Installed Plugins page.

    Best regards


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