Support for multi-sequence inputs in AIAA

Issue #21 closed
Adam Zyzik created an issue


If I’m not mistaken, when you run an auto-segmentation AIAA model it sends currently selected sequence as input.

(if I am mistaken, disregard the next part and please tell me how to send more sequences)

Do you plan to support AIAA models that require multiple sequences as their input?


All of the models I’m working with require such inputs, so aside from supporting them in some future version of your plugin I’m also wondering how hard it would be for me to patch the current code, so that it combines all currently loaded series into one nifti file (assuming that they have identical dimensions) and then sends it to the AIAA server.



Comments (2)

  1. Mo Alsad

    Hi Adam,

    Yes, only the active scan is packed and sent to the AIAA server.

    Do you plan to support AIAA models that require multiple sequences as their input?

    Yes, that is on our worklist.

    I’m also wondering how hard it would be for me to patch the current code, so that it combines all currently loaded series into one nifti file

    The current code was designed around models requiring a single scan. It would require refactoring most of the components of our AIAA client to run multi-scan models.

    Kind regards,


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