Overriding assessments table should include assessment labels for non-roi-collection data types

Issue #28 resolved
Charlie Moore created an issue

The default assessment table doesn't have Name/Label columns at all. The columns are added by this plugin, but they're only populated for ROI Collections: https://bitbucket.org/icrimaginginformatics/ohif-viewer-xnat-plugin/src/409f78ff6d63ff4318f400592c5a356e6cb9b65c/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/templates/screens/xnat_imageSessionData/xnat_imageSessionData_assessments.vm#lines-45 . This leads to confusion/annoyance when users wonder why the assessments table has these empty columns. For example:

  1. https://groups.google.com/g/xnat_discussion/c/FWQoGXqG6Qw/m/EmuwYT4cAwAJ for an example from the discussion group, or
  2. https://issues.xnat.org/browse/XNAT-6907 for an example filed in XNAT’s issue tracker.

If the xsi type of an assessment isn’t an ROI Collection, the label for the experiment should still be displayed in the Label column. The “Name” column could probably still be empty, or “N/A”, but having the label itself would be very helpful.

Comments (1)

  1. Mo Alsad

    This has been fixed in the Viewer plugin v3.1.0. The assessment table should display label for non-ROI-collection assessors.

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