Cannot import AIM contour collections for NM Sessions, cannot export AIM contour for some NM Sessions

Issue #29 resolved
Z-Kate Alpert created an issue

348217: cannot export new AIM contour, cannot import AIM contour exported from previous OHIF (Atlas2)

352602: can export and import new AIM contour (kate_test), cannot import AIM contour exported from previous OHIF (AIM_20210222_153551) . AIM contour exported from previous OHIF can be imported - it just doesn’t show up unless you are viewing the series it references.

Comments (4)

  1. Mo Alsad

    348217: the images of this session have an DERIVED\SECONDARY image type which may indicate that the slices of each image set were combined from individual NM images. The AIM IO handler requires a unique Instant Number (& SOPInstanceUID) in order to map the contour polygons to the relevant slice. Since each image has a multiframe slices sharing the same Instance Number and SOPInstanceUID values, the AIM IO handler has no way to determine which slice to use for contour mapping and rendering. That is why nothing is displayed on the images upon importing the ROI collection. Exporting does not show errors, but the contours can be assigned a wrong slice number. For instance, say that we draw contours on the second frame for an image with instance number = 1, they will be associated with the first frame since the instance number is the same for both slices.

    352602: in the Contours panel, it is the expected behaviour to show only the contour ROI list corresponding to the active scan. The confusion arises here due to the scan number which is the same for all scans. We used to display the SOPInstanceUID along the scan number, but it visually clutters the UI. We are considering appending a suffix to the displayed scan number (e.g. a sequence of a, b, c …) which when hoovered over with mouse reads the SOPInstanceUID value.

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