3D US DICOM Multiframe

Issue #33 new
Lasse Hansen created an issue

Dear ICR Team,

we are annotating 3D US DICOMs (Multiframe) with the OHIF Viewer XNAT Plugin.
Currently, it is necessary to 1. convert the 3D DICOMs to a DICOM image series and 2. change the modality to a supported configuration (e.g. CT). Otherwise we are not able to create labels (1.) or export labels (2.). While this workaround is feasible in our current setup it is far from perfect. Any suggestions or hints where we could start to improve this situation?

Thanks for your ongoing efforts

Comments (5)

  1. James Darcy

    Hi Lasse

    Could you supply the SOP Class UID (0008,0016) of the 3D US files, please? That will allow us to figure out what should be in those files and how to support them. If we know the SOP class then we might be able to locate test data as I don’t think we have any locally to test any viewer changes with.



  2. Lasse Hansen reporter

    Hi James,

    thanks for the quick reply. We are dealing with DICOMs from a Point of Care Ultrasound. The SOP class is Ultrasound Multi-frame Image Storage ('1.2.840.10008.'). If it helps you can download a short test sequence from following link (completely anonymised): https://cloud.imi.uni-luebeck.de/s/CRf8wo8ZGne6J95

    Best wishes,

  3. Matthew Shun-Shin

    Hi, any progress on the integration with multi-frame US data.

    I have the latest version of XNAT 1.8.10, and the OHIF plugin 3.6.2

    For US data the following error turns up in the logs:

    2024-05-18 19:04:25,916 [http-nio-8080-exec-5] WARN icr.etherj.AbstractPathScan - Exception in client PathScanContext
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ImageOrientationPatient missing or invalid - Frame: 1

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