Is 3.2 compatible with XNAT 1.8.0 docker compose ML? Because We are having error for that, Also how to change the logo header?

Issue #35 closed
CORADS reports created an issue


We are trying to update existing OHIF 3.0 to 3.2, but we are not being successful. We are using XNAT 1.8.0

Can you help us to know if this can be updated or not?

And we also want to know if we can change the header to add education website name along with ICR and XNAT

Comments (2)

  1. Mo Alsad

    The XNAT OHIF Viewer v3.2 should work with XNAT 1.8.0. I tried the plugin in a local Vagrant instance and it seems to work as expected.

    Not sure about the setup of the XNAT 1.8.0 ML, but I will try to set it up and install the viewer v3.2.

    Kindly elaborate about the issue you are having including any error & warning messages from the logs (relevant to the issue).

    For the custom logo/header, that can be changed programmatically.

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