Ability to Add Default List by XNAT Project for Measurement "Name" Field

Issue #40 resolved
Jenny Gurney created an issue

We have a request from our users to be able to have a default list appear in the Name field of Measurement. The names the radiologist must enter for measurements are standardized and each name is long and cumbersome to type and spell. If they could simply select the name from a pulldown menu, it would speed them up considerably.

For our XNAT, we would hope to be able to create these lists for each individual XNAT project, since some projects are for brains, others for veins, etc.. I realize that’s probably a big ask. Thanks for your consideration!

Comments (6)

  1. Mo Alsad

    Hi Jenny,

    We have started looking into a systematic way for implementing this feature. Not only for measurement annotations, but also for contour and mask ROIs. In the first stage, we plan to provide an API call for admins to set a simple list of labels/names at a project-level. We aim to ship this feature with v3.5.0 of the viewer. In the future, our aim is to extend the name list to include SNOMED coding details corresponding to each name/label.

    Kind regards,


  2. Jenny Gurney reporter

    Hi Mo,

    This is all great news. Thanks for addressing my requests. Do you have an estimated release date for v3.5.0?

    Thanks, Jenny

  3. Jenny Gurney reporter

    Hi Mo,

    I was just curious if you had any estimate for when/if this feature might be available (weeks vs months vs years). I’m trying to manage expectations with one of our projects.



  4. Jenny Gurney reporter

    Hi Mo,

    You mentioned on the last call that this feature would come out with 3.5.1. Do you have an estimate for when that release will come?



  5. Mo Alsad

    Hi Jenny,

    I am in the process of rolling out v.3.5.1. The new release should be available tomorrow for download.

    Kind regards,


  6. Mo Alsad

    Feature was introduced in v3.5.1 of the XNAT OHIF Viewer. User can select a label from a preset of ROIs (snapshot attached). The ROI Presets can be set by a site admin at a project level. roi-presets.png

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