Contour functionality should be disabled/blocked when it cannot be supported

Issue #43 resolved
Charlie Moore created an issue

I think the issue in #41 describes a fairly common problem users run into with the OHIF viewer where they get an error when trying to save a set of contours. I get that there’s a fundamental 2D/3D mismatch here, but why do we let the user get as far as putting the effort into making the contours and trying to export it? Shouldn’t we just decide ahead of time when it can’t be supported (whether that be by looking at the SOP Class UID, or the elements necessary from the Image Plane Module) and stop them before they waste work?

Comments (1)

  1. Mo Alsad

    Thanks Charlie, the ‘Export’ button is now deactivated for the cases of unsupported modalities or insufficient user permission. The issue has been addressed and fixed in release 3.5.1.

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