Add Next sample button for monai label plugin

Issue #47 closed
Ahmed Harouni created an issue

For the monai label plug in, we need to add the active learning section as in slicer.

  • Mainly we need a drop down to list all strategies. This the list of available is already returned along with the models when calling the initial `/info/` call
  • We need the “next sample” button which should:
  1. Do a post call to monai label as http://<server>:<port>/activelearning/<stratigy>
  2. redirect the webpage to the returned patient id

We need to do some checks before redirecting as:

  1. save any unsaved changes the user did on the current image
  2. Check if user should have access to the returned patient / image since monai label could have larger access than the user

Comments (5)

  1. Mo Alsad

    Hi Ahmed,

    I understand that the activelearning call also returns session and scan IDs in addition to patient ID?

    By default, when the viewer starts it displays and sets active the first scan of the first session. To support switching to a specific scan when the viewer starts, further implementation is required in the viewer routing logic.

    Kind regards,


  2. Ahmed Harouni reporter

    Hi Mo

    You are correct, You are describing the ideal full solution. However, I think we should settle here for just redirecting to the next patient as a middle ground to minimize the changes needed. We should then call the button “next patient” instead of “next sample”. This would be enough for users to try monai label active learning workflow and annotate what monai label suggests.

    We should later add the support you described as we get more requests from the community. I could also add the need to be able to reroute to a scan and load a certain dicom seg to avoid user clicking on import and finding which dicom seg is in this workflow. But again this is for future work as more requests come in,

    What do you think?

  3. Mo Alsad

    Hello Ahmed,

    I think it would be more convenient if we include the specific scan and segmentation in the redirection URL. It can be confusing (and error-prone) to the user to look for the scan and then the exact segmentation, in case of multiple scans and segmentation ROI collections.

    Kind regards,


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