viewer error when viewing PET-CT session

Issue #48 resolved
Remya Nair created an issue

When attempting to view the images of a PET-CT session, the viewer sporadically throws an error when loading the images
Console log shows the error:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'columnPixelSpacing')

Stack trace obtained via Browser Dev console is attached.
Sporadic, because rarely/randomly, this will load up fine and all images are then viewable!


  • This error was not replicated when attempting to view in OHIF 3.4.1 (XNAT v1.8.6)
  • Verified that the PixelSpacing DICOM tag is present in all the DICOM instances in all the series in the generated OHIF metadata JSON.
  • Also cross checked for JSON differences between OHIF v3.5.1 metadata JSON and OHIF v3.4.1 metadata JSON. Some content differences (omissions in json v3.5.1), floats are represented differently, other differences may be present.

Example of json diff in v3.4.1(red column) and v3.5.1(green column)

Also Attached :

Browser console stack trace for an erroneous image viewing attempt.

Comments (6)

  1. Mo Alsad

    Hi Remya,

    Could you please try the following so I can establish the root cause of this issue?

    • Clear the browser cache and then re-launch the viewer from the subject-level actions menu.
    • Use another browser to launch the viewer from the subject’s XNAT page.

    Kind regards,


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