
Issue #52 resolved
Philippe Després created an issue

Hi, great plugin/integration! Would be nice to capture the name of the person who is creating annotations (seg, RT_struct) in images, and to store it in the appropriate DICOM field (ContentCreatorName I guess). Since the person accessing images is logged in, I guess this information is capture easily?

Comments (4)

  1. Mo Alsad

    Hi Philippe,

    Thanks for your feedback. Yes, I guess we can add such details easily to generated DICOM file.

    Kind regards,


  2. Z-Kate Alpert Account Deactivated

    I just want to add the consideration that sites might want to configure whether or not this information is collected (privacy concerns, etc).

  3. Mo Alsad

    We will support this feature in a future release of the viewer. It will not be enabled by default but the site admin will be able to optionally enable it at a project level.

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