OHIF viewer prompts a signing in for viewing a public project on XNAT.

Issue #53 open
Mahlet Birhanu created an issue

When trying to visualize a scan in a public project anonymously, the action ‘view images’ is not responsive.

When directly going to the ohif-xnat uri of a public scan, it is possible to view the image but a signing in prompt appears.

It goes away when clicked twice. But it is quite annoying.

After signing in, the option to view becomes functional.

Comments (5)

  1. Mo Alsad

    Hi Mahlet,

    The viewer attempts to collect the user info at startup, which results in showing the sign in dialog when accessing public projects. You simply can click on the cancel button. We will look into this and try to override the browser behaviour for displaying the sign in dialog.

    Kind regards,


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