Error when importing segmentations

Issue #8 resolved
Miguel Chambel created an issue

When importing previously saved segmentations in xnat ohif viewer, the loading animation keeps going but nothing actually gets loaded. Exporting works well as dicom seg file show up in assessments for that session but importing fails. Browser console shows error “TypeError: cannot read property ‘toolState’ of undefined” when import starts.

Comments (4)

  1. KK Mehta

    Hi Miguel, did you find a solution at all?
    I’m encountering something similar for my segmentations as well. For me it says “Single frame instance of multiframe class not supported”. Please let me know what you have tried.

  2. Miguel Chambel reporter

    Hello Khyati,
    I ended up using my own backend app along with Orthanc as pacs system so no point in trying to solve this issue. Sorry I can’t be of assistance, better ask Xnat dev team for this.

  3. Mo Alsad

    This issue relates to an older version of the XNAT OHIF Viewer that is no longer in active development. The Viewer plugin v3.0 has been refactored significantly, based on a fork of OHIF Viewer 2.0, since the issue was opened. We suspect that the issue is either fixed or that the circumstances around it have changed which would require an updated issue report so we can reproduce and address it.

    If you still have the same or similar issues after installing the latest version of XNAT OHIF Viewer, please create a new issue.

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