Create screen: Closed Shopping List

Issue #19 resolved
Igor Santos repo owner created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (9)

  1. Igor Santos reporter
    • adding a stub Open List screen. The New List action should create silently a list called "New List" (or something like this) and then open it with this same screen. refs #17 and #19

    → <<cset 1dbe3e3cbfb3>>

  2. Igor Santos reporter
    • adding checklist behavior for the list of products. Still needs to implement properly closing the list (moving unchecked items to a new list and showing the costs summary)
    • adding a stub event of product click. refs #61
    • introducing several small issues to be taken care of, related to the current UI based on an ActionBar button refs #17, #19, #20

    → <<cset c3262eceb1e5>>

  3. Igor Santos reporter

    This should be a tabbed window: the first tab is the original list, but with no edit buttons, and the second is the costs summary. This removes the need of an ugly title label in the summary window.

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