Provide access to robot hardware parameters (pump pressure, temperatures etc.)

Issue #23 resolved
Stefan Kohlbrecher created an issue

For use on real robot, it is important to provide access to basic diagnostic information (pump pressure, rpm, temperatures) as well as the ability to set desired pump pressure. I haven't seen any information (topic/message type) about this yet.

Comments (4)

  1. btshrewsbury NA

    Hey sir, we will add this to our iteration and you should see something next week. We are still trying to push out the forearm updates (hopefully tomorrow).

  2. Dave Kotfis

    Is a control interface for the pump pressure intended to be a near-term fix? Isn't the whole body controller going to ultimately adjust the pump pressure as needed?

  3. DouglasS

    @dkotfis We haven't decided yet. This was the original plan; we'd still like to do it "intelligently" but the more we look at it the more it seems that there will be too much room for error in the heuristics at this stage in the game. We'll talk about that this week and let you know for sure where we land.

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