ihmc_atlas SCS ROS integration not using ROS network settings correctly?

Issue #47 resolved
Stefan Kohlbrecher created an issue

While trying to run SCS and our onboard software in a distributed fashion I noticed a potential issue with how the simulator uses the ROS network setup: Normally, setting ROS_MASTER_URI and either ROS_IP or ROS_HOSTNAME allows transparently distributing ROS nodes over multiple machines. It seems that the simulator nodes provided in ihmc_atlas do not use these environment variables correctly. I cannot rostopic echo topics provided by the simulator on a remote machine. What works however, is starting both the simulator and a node X consuming simulator data on one machine and then running a node Y consuming a topic from X on the remote machine. This data is received on the remote machine (for instance a relayed image from the simulator).

The most likely explanation appears to be the sim not using aforementioned environment variables correctly. Did anybody else run the sim on separate machine successfully?

Comments (5)

  1. btshrewsbury NA

    We use rosJava which only requires the ros master uri. It's cross platform so it doesn't make much since to reference the path. We only specify the rosURI in the IHMCNetworkParameters. We generally have to set the ros_ip correctly on the master and all the other machines running nodes and everything works though it can be finicky. I'll try to set aside some time today or tomorrow to run a few nodes remotely and make sure nothing has changed.

  2. Stefan Kohlbrecher reporter

    Hold on, let me quickly check if I set the params in the config file correctly.. :)

  3. Stefan Kohlbrecher reporter

    Ok, I indeed missed putting the URI into the ini file correctly. After setting it there, things work as expected. Sorry for the noise.

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