Be able to delete APE tags from MP3s

Issue #120 new
Joakim Andersson created an issue

I don't like the idea of having a bunch of hidden old junk information in my audio files, and especially when that information can contain replaygain. I had downloaded two versions of an album and I thought one was a remaster because it was way louder, and it was only by luck that I realized they were identical except one had an APEv2 tag with replaygain.

I can turn off replaygain in winamp, but if I ever wanna switch music players I'll probably have forgotten all about this by then. Also some mobile apps probably don't have the option to turn it off.

Ideally I'd want a method for saving a tag and removing all other metadata regardless of format, but I guess that's probably not possible, right? (I don't really know how metadata works.) So the bandaid solution for mp3 files would be to just implement APE tag support because as I understand it that's generally where replaygain is found if it's not in an ID3 tag.

Comments (7)

  1. Joakim Andersson reporter

    Well, my music library is probably like 99.8% mp3 and the rest is lossy formats of obscure stuff that I couldn't find an mp3 or lossless rip of. So I'm sure there are others who would appreciate the increased compatibility, but as far as I'm concerned, .ape files don't matter and other lossy formats are negligible.

  2. IJabz repo owner

    Your original issue was unclear and you havent answered my question just told me irrrelevant stuff about your music library.

  3. Joakim Andersson reporter

    Well, I interpreted your first response as you wondering what feature would help me specifically rather than the project as a whole, so I described my situation and in doing so I did answer your question, but I'll repeat myself. The only change that would affect me is support for mp3 files and, to a nonzero but basically negligible extent, other lossy formats.

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