JAudioTagger confused when given a wav file with a .mp3 file suffix

Issue #136 new
shashank chaudhary created an issue

I was testing JAudiotagger against a 5GB mp3 collection. 3 of the mp3 files showed warning

org.jaudiotagger.audio.mp3.MP3File checkAudioStartWARNING: Checking further because the ID3 Tag ends at 0x0 but the mp3 audio doesnt start until 0x9696c2

I have attached 1 such mp3. I do understand the mp3 file did had some flaw. The problem is after I changed the song title and album art in tag with jaudiotagger the mp3 file became unplayable. They were playable with both windows mediaplayer and vlc player before editing. After editing they couldn't be played. The title and album art were changed but the songs became unplayable. I don't think users would appreciate that.

I tested the files with other mp3 libs such as mp3agic and jid3lib and they threw an exception stating: NO MPEG frames found

Is there some way I can detect the warning programmatically, so that I can avoid editing them or the error be fixed?

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