Tagging m4a, ogg and wma changes "date created"

Issue #139 new
Joakim Andersson created an issue

When I use AudioFile.commit() on an m4a, ogg or wma file, this changes the file's "date created", which would seem to imply that the method doesn't only save the tag but replaces the file with an identical file. I don't know if this is intended or a bug, but "date created" can be a useful field sometimes and this makes the field misleading.

This doesn't happen with mp3, flac or wav. I'm on windows 8.1, in case that has any relevance.

Comments (2)

  1. IJabz repo owner

    Depending on the format and the size of the existing tag compared to the new tag sometimes we write the data to a new file, then delete original file and then rename new file to orginal file, so we are actually creating a new file - but I didnt consider the effect this would have on creation date. We are moving away from this with the AudioFileWriter2() method and therefore for most formats this no longer occurs, but it can currently occur for the formats you list, but only sometimes.

  2. IJabz repo owner

    The reason we did in the first place was mainly in some cases it was easier to rewrite the complete rather than modify the existing one, I also had the concept of a transactional write, e.g if something went wrong part way through then the original file would remain undamaged, but with so many people storing there music on NAS and using larger lossless files this advantage is outweighed by the increased time/cost of writing more bytes.

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