Album Art changes only for the first time.

Issue #140 closed
Varun Kumar created an issue

I am using Jaudiotagger for my Android app and I just found that it has this strange bug. In android there is MediaMetaData which gives the artwork for a song. And Mediastore which gives artwork for an album.

If an audio already has an artwork Jaudiotagger changes its MediaMetaData info but has no effect on the album artwork. However if there is no artwork present, it sets both the MediaMetadata and the album artwork. But from there on it only changes MediaMetadata and not album artwork which is bad. Can someone please propose a fix if there is one? This is how I set the artwork. Thanks !!

Artwork cover = ArtworkFactory.createArtworkFromFile(new File(path)); tag.deleteArtworkField(); tag.setField(cover);

Comments (2)

  1. shashank chaudhary

    JAudioTagger works perfectly fine on Android. I have used it in my Android app. In android artwork can be stored both in tags and mediastore database. MediaMetaData is retrieved from the tags directly not from the mediastoredatabase. You have to also let the mediastore detect changes in artwork when it changes in tags. For that you have to use MediaScanner to scan the file. Sometimes you also have to delete the existing album art in mediastore database and then scan. Anyways there is no issue with the library for changing album art on Android and your question belongs to stackoverflow not here.

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