How to specify character encoding in tags

Issue #141 invalid
Former user created an issue

A user reported the following issue for my android app:

"On my phone Kingzone N5 I'm trying to change the album to this 三人行必有我妹 Ed from this 三人行必有我妹 Ed but evey single time it keeps giving me 三人行必有我妹 Ed is there anything I can do to change it?"

After testing out many times I found out that the album name is written correctly in tags and JAudioTagger and windows explorer can read it correctly. The problem that happens on Android the mp3 file is scanned and the album name is inserted in Android Mediastore database. For album name 三人行必有我妹 Ed it is incorrectly scanned as 三人行必有我妹 Ed. The original input is Chinese characters. The correct one is "UTF-8" and incorrectly interpreted as "windows-1252". I have attached 3 files. The "original" one is without album name changed. For "after editing" file the album name is correct in tags but is scanned as "windows-1252" encoding by Android MediaScanner. For the "scanned album name comes correct" the scanned album name values comes correct in Android.

Is there someway the tag text can be marked with encoding so that scanned album name is detected correctly?

Comments (3)

  1. IJabz repo owner

    Each tag frame has an encoding, please read the ID3 specification. Issue tracker is for reporting bugs in jaudiotagger not for providing support for your buggy application

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