Add proper support for FrameTMCL (Musician Credits)

Issue #162 resolved
IJabz repo owner created an issue

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Comments (2)

  1. IJabz reporter

    Now done, FieldKey.PERFORMER nows map to TMCL (v24), IPLS(v23), and IPL (v22). When using ID3 you can pass both values (instrument, performers) using varargs such as f.getTag().setField(FieldKey.PERFORMER,"violinist","Nigel Kennedy"); The equivalent way to use performers in VorbisComment would be to store the value as "Nigel Kennedy (violinist)", as such this doesn't really work as vargs so you would call f.getTag().setField(FieldKey.PERFORMER,""Nigel Kennedy (violinist)"); This done mean calling code may have to distinguish what format is being written to before making the call but I cannot really see a way of doing it totally format free without introducing an additional convoluted layer.

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