Add a field for MusicBrainz recording

Issue #170 resolved
Hendrik Schreiber created an issue

A whole bunch of MusicBrainz IDs are currently supported, but I cannot find any support for the recording id.

AFAIK, that's the one used by AcousticBrainz.

Comments (5)

  1. IJabz repo owner

    The recording id is there but because of historical reasons its defined as FieldKey.MUSICBRAINZ_TRACK_ID, whereas the newer track id is defined as FieldKey.MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASE_TRACK_ID. For ID3 this is mapped to a UFID frame (rather than a TXXX frame) which might be why you have missed it, these field mappings were defined by rather than myself.

  2. Hendrik Schreiber reporter

    Thanks for commenting and clarifying. This is good news for me! :-) Perhaps we should add some comments to the FieldKey Enum—at least for the non-obvious instances. I'd volunteer, if you're interested.

  3. Hendrik Schreiber reporter

    these field mappings were defined by rather than myself.

    Is there a page that lists all valid mappings?

  4. IJabz repo owner

    FieldKey enum lists all the fields that have been mapped to all formats, there are no explanations of meaning with jaudiotagger itself but the mappings used by SongKong (which is most fields) are documented from page 47 of

    Maybe a html page for this project documenting the fields would be useful if you are interested.

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