WMA: Invalid ASF/WMA file. No audio stream contained

Issue #184 new
Sami32 created an issue

While using JAudioTagger 2.2.5 with this WMA file, i got that error:

TRACE 2016-12-18 12:28:30.984 [Library Scanner] Parsing results for file "semesta-covertartMPEG4.wma": container: wmv, bitrate: 142110, size: 5107246, video tracks: 1, audio tracks: 1, video codec: mp4, duration: 00:04:47.00, width: 500, height: 500, frame rate: , mime type: video/x-ms-wmv, file title from metadata: Semesta
    Audio track id: 0, lang: und, audio codec: WMA, sample frequency:44100, number of channels: 2, bits per sample: 16, artist: Maliq n D'essentials, album: Music Pop, song name: , year: 0, track: 2
ERROR 2016-12-18 12:28:31.000 [Library Scanner] Error reading audio tag for "semesta-covertartMPEG4.wma": Invalid ASF/WMA file. No audio stream contained.
TRACE 2016-12-18 12:28:31.000 [Library Scanner] 
org.jaudiotagger.audio.exceptions.CannotReadException: Invalid ASF/WMA file. No audio stream contained.
    at org.jaudiotagger.audio.asf.AsfFileReader.getAudioHeader(AsfFileReader.java:122)
    at org.jaudiotagger.audio.asf.AsfFileReader.read(AsfFileReader.java:254)
    at org.jaudiotagger.audio.AudioFileIO.readFile(AudioFileIO.java:355)
    at org.jaudiotagger.audio.AudioFileIO.read(AudioFileIO.java:198)
    at net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaInfo.parse(DLNAMediaInfo.java:780)
    at net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaInfo.generateThumbnail(DLNAMediaInfo.java:529)
    at net.pms.dlna.DLNAResource.checkThumbnail(DLNAResource.java:3408)
    at net.pms.dlna.RealFile.checkThumbnail(RealFile.java:286)
    at net.pms.dlna.RealFile.isValid(RealFile.java:82)
    at net.pms.dlna.DLNAResource.addChild(DLNAResource.java:574)
    at net.pms.dlna.DLNAResource.addChild(DLNAResource.java:534)
    at net.pms.dlna.MapFile.manageFile(MapFile.java:113)
    at net.pms.dlna.MapFile.analyzeChildren(MapFile.java:169)
    at net.pms.dlna.RootFolder.scan(RootFolder.java:260)
    at net.pms.dlna.RootFolder.scan(RootFolder.java:270)
    at net.pms.dlna.RootFolder.scan(RootFolder.java:218)
    at net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaDatabase.run(DLNAMediaDatabase.java:819)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Comments (4)

  1. IJabz repo owner

    Ive added test for to the code but isnt this a corrupt wma file, and therefore the exception thrown correct ?

  2. Sami32 reporter

    Actually i'll not call that "corrupt", but as i surprisingly discover that many softwares, as AudioShell, MP3Tag, TagScanner, are wrinting WMA cover incorrectly, so i take time to report it and letting you know.

    That's said i was the first surprise when i discovered that while testing audio files.

  3. IJabz repo owner

    Do you understand what is wrong with it and why its not corrupt because I dont I rarely deal with wma files

  4. Sami32 reporter

    From what i understood, it's that since a video frame (MP43) was added to this WMA file, where it shouldn't, it fail to search farest than that, as it should not be there. So you are right, we can call that a corruption. Since i'm not used to WMA format either, here the specifications: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=31334 http://web.archive.org/web/20120102100806/http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=41&srcfamilyid=56de5ee4-51ca-46c6-903b-97390ad14fea&srcdisplaylang=en&u=http%3a%2f%2fdownload.microsoft.com%2fdownload%2f8%2f0%2f5%2f80506BEB-C95A-47AE-99CF-0D6D6D028ABA%2fASF_Specification.pdf

    As a side note, VLC will read the cover tag and many others players like MPC or PotPlayer will read the MP4 video frame.

    EDIT: Or that could be because it's not a supported codec ?

    Compression ID Specifies the type of the compression, using a four-character code. For ISO MPEG-4 video, this contains MP4S, mp4s, M4S2, or m4s2. In the Compression ID, the first character of the four-character code appears as the least-significant byte; for instance MP4S uses the Compression ID 0x5334504D. Defined as the biCompression field of a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure.

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