Issue reading hi-res wav from HDtracks/Qobuz

Issue #227 resolved
IJabz repo owner created an issue

Issue reading hi-res wav files, chunk size is not correct, or are we reading such files wrong ?

Comments (9)

  1. IJabz reporter

    Example files provided does not seem to exist on HDTracks Downloaded same album from QOBUZ, no problem with the way chunk size is recorded and can be read/written by jaudiotagger ok, although note QOBUZ does seem to put ID3 and the info chunks at the start of the file instead of the end, which to my mind is unusual.

  2. IJabz reporter

    Similarly for Aif they add ID3 chunk as first chunk instead of last, but jaudiotagger copes okay

  3. IJabz reporter

    Okay downloaded two albums form HDTracks in aif format and there is indeed a problem for both in aif format (Blur/Magic Whip, Green Day, American Idiot), in both cases there are 4 null bytes at the end of the file after the APPL chunk, that I don't believe should be there, this may be the case for all HDtracks files.

    This causes a problem when editing because it confuses my file writing routine. Since this always writes ID3 to the end of the file AFTER the four bytes and it then becomes unreadable, in the original file the ID3 chunk is before the APPL chunk so is readable.

    Is this extra 4 bytes evident throughout the HDTracks catalog, and am I right in thinking it is an error, (although even if it an error I will have to work round it).

  4. IJabz reporter

    First fix is to change nature of AiffReader so that it only reads to the end of the size indicated by the FORM chunk rather than the end of the file, then a warning message is logged if there is still file remaining

  5. IJabz reporter

    Fixed Save no now if file is larger than reported by FORM size, and larger than the end of final chunk (i.e last chunk end matches FORM end) we ignore this extraneous data and delete when save any changes. Also improved AiffTag so that it reports more info and possible errors/inconsistencies.

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