New Feature: Read DFF header (there is no tags to read or write here)

Issue #229 resolved
Former user created an issue


For a project of mine I'm using JaudioTagger that is goof for almost every format butt DFF wher you need cue sheet and some info form the file header.

I've got tha software to handle cuesheets, but I missed the part to reed Header from dff, so i wrote an extention to jAudioTagger.

We are talking about some new files in a brand new package (audio.dff) and few lines added to and

That's all.

I've created I first pull requet in Github, but - my fault - I'm not able to re-create it here, so I attached the patch file, just in case you would like to have a look and merge.

Github pool request is here:

In attachment the corresponding patch.

It miss test (you don't have dff files in testdata) and lack some documentation, but I thik is quite complete for the rest.

I'll keep you informed if I'll made some more mods.


If you know how to produce a pool request from netbeams to here, please let me know.



Comments (3)

  1. IJabz repo owner

    Hi (no idea bout pool requests on netbeans, means nothing to me) , but okay I have merged patch in, only change I have made is reformat code and removed some System.out.printlns in DFFileReader.

    Would be useful if you could provide a small non copyrighted DFF fiel for testing and add some tests.

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