#Made Github repository for JAudioTagger 2.2.6 in order to use with Maven , Gradle etc.

Issue #231 resolved
GOXR3PLUS created an issue

#Made Github repository for JAudioTagger 2.2.6 in order to use with Maven , Gradle etc.

From the repository read me ...

Fake Repository in order to use JAudioTagger 2.2.6 with Gradle and Maven

Use it with Maven , Gradle etc via https://jitpack.io/#goxr3plus/jaudiotagger

Example with Maven :


This repository is a fork (though not complete from [ https://bitbucket.org/ijabz/jaudiotagger ]

So don't use the code from here ... :)

Comments (12)

  1. GOXR3PLUS reporter

    I am using Maven and Gradle build , i can't find anywhere JAudioTagger 2.2.6 . So i am proposing this temporary solution :

    Every repository from Bitbucket and Github which has releases can use JitPack.io in order to get Libraries with Maven , Gradle etc .

    For example : https://jitpack.io/#goxr3plus/jaudiotagger takes the release from that GitHub repository and can be used with Maven .

    The same should happen with JAudioTagger 2.2.6 via BitBucket but there is a problem here as you can see : https://jitpack.io/#org.bitbucket.ijabz/jaudiotagger the 2.2.6 doesn't appear at all . Only until 2.2.5 .

    That's my point :) .

    Finally i want to ask , is there any other way you have done it that i don't know :) . I would be happy if there is .

  2. IJabz repo owner

    Cant you fix in bitbucket rather than puttoin on github, I dont really want your version to be the version shown in maven, I havent done a final release of jaudioatgger 2.2.6, I guess it is overdue but Im not sure how to do it.

  3. GOXR3PLUS reporter

    Yes i agree it is a bad solution but it works ... i did that because i have applications like which need JAudioTagger 2.2.6 in order to work ...

    Alright please read the below , it will work :)

    What you need to do is create a new Tag (https://bitbucket.org/ijabz/jaudiotagger/downloads/?tab=tags ) with name 2.2.6 or whatever version you release on future and JitPack.io will automatically make it Maven and Gradle importable . That's it .

    Like you did for 2.2.5 for example :) . If you do it i will be more than grateful :)

    So it will be shown here -> https://jitpack.io/#org.bitbucket.ijabz/jaudiotagger if you do it correctly .

  4. GOXR3PLUS reporter

    @kgilmer Hello :) Of course it can but it doesn't have the latest version 2.6 . That's the problem .

  5. Ken Gilmer

    Hi @GOXR3PLUS :) Well that's because 2.2.6 hasn't been released yet and that release is at the discretion of the library maintainer. It would be a source of confusion to fork a library and produce new versions under the name of the original IMHO. In any case you can also consume from a commit as opposed to a release/tag so assuming the commit you need has been pushed publicly you can consume it like this (ex has latest commit from repo):

    compile 'org.bitbucket.ijabz:jaudiotagger:90533d4'

    This lets you consume whichever version of the library you like without putting pressure on the library maintainer to create a release. I see above that you have already referenced jitpack.io...I did not see that until now.

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