TEST file for DFF (reopening of issue # 229)

Issue #232 resolved
marcoc1712 created an issue

HI, here a test file (is your test122.dsf converted to dff) and a patch containing a new test file for dff Audiofile (only "readNoTag" method, we could not read, write or delete tags form dff).



Comments (7)

  1. IJabz repo owner

    HI, I have merged this in but test is failing says - testdatatmp\test229read.dff Not a valid dff file. Missing 'DSD ' after 'FRM8' !

  2. marcoc1712 reporter

    Problem is Test229.dff in master is not mine and indeed is invalid. Where it came from? Try the one in attachment and You should get the correct result:

    T E S T S

    Running org.jaudiotagger.audio.dff.DffAudioFileTest Audio Header content: bitRate:5644800 samplingRate:2822400 bitsPerSample:1 totalNoSamples:14105616 numberOfChannels:2 encodingType:DFF isVbr:false trackDuration:4.997737884521484

    Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.069 sec - in org.jaudiotagger.audio.dff.DffAudioFileTest

    Results :

    Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0


    Total time: 0.863s Finished at: Tue Nov 07 17:49:36 CET 2017 Final Memory: 8M/307M

  3. marcoc1712 reporter


    experimenting something strange here:

    I could not compile the library becouse some errors and failures (see details below), then when I run my project over dff files it works but if I try to compile it I got errors, one exception is trowned over the dff file just like is using the old version:

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