Flac bit rate may not be being calculated correctly

Issue #36 resolved
IJabz repo owner created an issue

I tried changing FlacInfoReader so that once it read the STREAMINFO block it broke out the loop because this was the only info needed. However bitrate makes use of the location of the filepointer so doing this affected the bitrate.

Im unsure which is correct, or possibly neither is correct and we need the file pointer to be somewhere else before we calculate bitrate.

Comments (2)

  1. IJabz reporter

    Need to read all blocks, then audiodata is the remainder of the file. This is what we were already doing but Ive tidied it up a bit, the only slight error is if a Flac file has an ID3v1 tag at the end (which does happen although I dont have an example file) then the length of the tag should be removed from audio length.

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