Aiff/Wav Tag should write changes to new file not modify existing file

Issue #75 wontfix
IJabz repo owner created an issue
  1. Because if fails half way through dont end up with corrupt file
  2. I file on network I think we can use FIleChannel.transferTo() for the bit we dont need to modify to quickly transfer bytes directly on the remote drive (hopefully!)
  3. It makes it much easier to delete chunks this way

Comments (4)

  1. IJabz reporter

    I think my understanding of 2 is incorrect, the files are still going to have come via the computer running the code so the transferTo() method is only going to be of real benefit when the files are local, but it is writing to file on slow network that can be problematic. So maybe this is not a good idea apart form when the code gets overcomplex reading/writing to same file.

  2. IJabz reporter

    Actually now that we support padding in the ID3 chunk often only the ID3 chunk has to be rewritten so in these cases this would be much faster to only rewrite this part then rewrite the whole file. Although 1> still stands this is rare, more problematic is slow writing over network of large files so Im not going to make this change after all.

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