Mp4 CannotReadException: Unable to determine start of audio in file, fails ungracefully

Issue #83 new
Dell Green created an issue Unable to determine start of audio in file (even though file plays and meta-data tags are fine)

Source code throws exception ( Line 200) documented that the exception is thrown to protect writing to the file later on, however meta-data has been parsed ok and file plays fine. For read-only meta-data projects it would be nice to still be able to get at the data without exception.

Could it be possible to mark the file internally as read-only (and/or log a warning) as the file is still playable and useful meta-data is still extracted for files that suffer from this problem? Some people may only be interested in reading meta-data and not writing to the file like me, For now i have just removed the CannotReadException and returned the dataTree object in Line 200 which fixes it for my requirements, but may not be the complete solution.

Caused by: Unable to determine start of audio in file at at<init>( at at at at at at<init>(

Comments (2)

  1. IJabz repo owner

    Hm,. Im a bit suprised it does play okay if the offsets are incorrect but fair enough, Im struggling to work out a proper solution for this that allows you to read the metadata but doesnt give the false impression that the file is safe to write to.

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